Elven 00044 | Fly

14 thoughts on “Elven 00044 | Fly

  1. Wait! The update is here! YAY! And I really expected we’d have to be a bit longer as the previous update was less than 4 years ago… 😉

  2. Elven is finally back!

  3. I felt sad when the website wasn’t available and anticipated is was gone for good and now an Update after years?
    This spam-question should be more prevalent and above the “Post Comment” button.

  4. Wow, seriously. Just when I came here to check and probably delete page from bookmarks.

    1. What is this “delete … bookmarks”??
      I have bookmarks from the 20th century, and about 12 os upgrades ago..

  5. I was just randomly clicking on my ‘dead’ comics list and there it is:
    an update! Is the comic coming back?

    I really fell in love with this comic when I found it!

    So, should I binge the next few pages? … It’s hard to resist…

    1. I try my best 🙂

  6. Whoa … it’s back … ^_^

  7. Late to the congratulatory party, but welcome back! How long has it been… hope you’re well Kate and all is sorted with the things and the stuff.

    Happy to see you got on webtoons.

    1. Thanks! Yeah I read more webcomics on mobile than browsers now. Made sense to put Elven on webtoons 🙂

  8. Also, on a more personal note, did you tale down Flur… can’t seem to find it anymore and it was a great source of solace.

    1. If flash in your browser still works, it’s up on https://ninjakiwi.com/Games/Arcade/Play/Flur.html. It might also still be on Newgrounds. Otherwise you can get ‘NinjaKiwi Archive’ on steam, and all the NinjaKiwi games will be on there, including Flur!

  9. “Plumbing to your depths”?
    Shouldn’t it be “plunging”?

  10. BITCH is short for “Boys, I’m taking charge here.” ☺️

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