Someone is calling already, but i guess reinforcements, legal advise or Tylan’s Boss.
This could be a 3:1, a 1:1 and cavalry arrives to rescue Tylan or 6:1 in the End.
I guess the other bullies are smarter than Tylan and it ends with an 1:1, an ambulance and cavalry in some sort protecting Tylan not to be explused.
The punk really does think he’s the BMOC, doesn’t he? He may have just brought the crew down his ass, but Tarin will likely tear him a new one all by herself. ” …a good reason to legally hurt you.” Yep, he’s toast.
Well, you have to nurture and protect the next generation in order for humans to keep flourishing. Keep up the good work, and we’ll be here for when you get time.
First, thanks for the page, MK. We know you have a lot of your plate.
Second, I think someone just made a very big and costly mistake. That someone is about to get legally hurt.
I wonder if Tylan knows Tarin has been in a couple of dungeons and gained a few levels. I’m sure he thought this might result in some trouble that gets swept under the rug again… But I don’t think he quite grasps that Tarin is going to punish him in much more immediate ways.
The detail about him being owed money is interesting though. Tarin suspects Thieves guild involvement but thinks it must go beyond shakedown for lunch money. I wonder if Tylan is running more than an extortion racket but is actively providing service or contraband.
Yay glad you’re back, MK. Woah, assault and battery with a deadly weapon, one can’t also toss in attempted murder. This is going to be good because looking at the last panel, she is raising her attributes and is going to assume her ‘aspect’.
the ‘legally’ she speaks of, I think, is more in reference to ‘within the rules and regulations of the school’ more than the city/country laws. She can’t start a fight but if attacked, she can defend herself. I have a feeling she’s going to go with the loosest interpretation of ‘defend herself’ she can w/out actually ending his life. You, good sir, are about to learn a completely new definition to the word ‘pain’. In the words of Alucard… “You done goofed.”
A problem with charging for RtD without prior contract is negotiating payment with the deceased’s most caring relations. Tylan does seem like a rich brat, but his parents are certain to be jerks.
That’s not a problem, if she doesn’t get paid she can always return the death, like a tattoo artist with a cheese grater for when the cheque bounces
Someone is about to find out why Tarin is a Prefect, and they aren’t. It’s mostly the ability to go from zero to Full, EFing ON in an instant. It’s why fist fighting combat vets is a solidly HORRIBLE idea.
Finding time or energy to do anything is impossible with a sprog. I gained 30 pounds I can’t afford thanks to my two sprogs.
Glad to see you’re plugging away at the comic.
Or, they can go the healing torture route. Heal them, beat them to 1 HP, heal them to max, beat them to 1 HP, if they try to kill themselves, heal them before HP runs out, if they try to run away, cut off the legs and heal the stumps. In a world of magic, torture is much more brutal and physically survivable if not mentally…wonder if there’s a healing spell or potion to help recover from PTSD?
Knifeboy is likely level 1 at best, or maybe just an NPC with1d4 HP
He probably doesn’t have any sort of proficiency with it so hopefully he didn’t sharpen it properly, that way it’s going to hurt less when he gets it jammed up his butt.
I just realized something. I wonder if Tyland’s only knows of Tarin as a school prefect and her Rouge Class is not well known. She seems to be running a separate operation than the Theives Guild and has intentionally kept herself separate to maximize profit. Of course their guild elevation should have been noticed, but if no one thought Tyland needed to know, it might not have filtered down to him. Especially true if he didn’t report his initial interaction so as to seem more competent than he both is and presumes that he is.
I think it’s more like Tyland couldn’t care less about anyone other than himself and didn’t bother to try to know Tarin’s ranking or abilities. Campus bullies look down on everyone, usually to their eventual detriment.
I wonder why she is so happy to get a reason to hurt him.
Is it:
A) She really dislikes the dude.
B) She just likes violence in general
C) She wants to get rid of competition
D) She actually likes the little punching bag and wants revenge for him.
E) All the above
I have not experienced it myself, partly due to being the wrong gender, but I have heard that giving birth to a child and then caring for it leaves very little time for anything else.
Be patient, pages will come, but caring for the child comes first (as it should)
So yay! We have a new LittleKiddleton. How cool is that? Hope you both are doing fine and recovering. It’s an exhausting time bringing up a Little one. Best wishes for you and we’ll be here for your return. If you can find the time, drop us line and let us know how you all are doing. Take care!
It takes 9 months to make a sprog and many comic creators say their comic is like a child to them so it is logical that a page would take 9 months too, right?
It would literally take your going over there and taking care of sprog and related items for a duration of time for MK to make a page. It’s not about money, although that would be nice of you.
A new-born is a full-time job, more so if the child is born sick like my youngest was. All the bribes in the world won’t change that fact. I applaud the effort it takes and the priorities our dev has, don’t complain, just support and be understanding. If not, don’t let the door hit you. It’s over there ^.
$NZ5,000.00[1] Should get you across the line.
That’s what every page has been worth. Be grateful.
[1] Maternity nannies/nurses (day and night) are $25 to $30 per hour. So, the cost of a 9pm to 7am shift will be anywhere from $230 to $300. –
You are going to need, I’m guessing, about a weeks worth ( call it 24/7)
That seems reasonable. If we get approval from Mate Kiddleton and an appropriate funding site is set up, then I’ll start the kitty with NZ$1,333*. What other fans will join me? @MK – what do you think?
~US$1K to see what Prefect Tarin does to Tylan – worth it to me
Well I mean good on you for being loyal and white knighting for this author.
I simply asked if a comic that has been stagnant for nearing a year is dead. Its a valid question. In truth I dont much care about the author;s personal life. I come here to read a web comic I enjoyed. I dont know one thing about the author.
Creator had a kid. During the first year or so, the kid and real life work are all you pretty much do, because newborns need that much attention. There, you know something about the creator. You also know why they haven’t been updating. Call it white knighting if you want, but unless you’re paying them to make the comic, their child and livelihood come miles before some comic they’re not charging you a dime for.
Dah Debil
People like you are the most contributing factor in why webcomics die. Ungrateful, demanding and rude. Kindly die in a fire. SLOWLY. YOU. ARE. OWED. NOTHING! You get what is given. Learn some basic manners and say “THANK YOU” for once in your miserable life!
I was raised to ‘take what I got and be glad I got it’, not to make demands of people who are giving me those things for free and throw a tantrum if I didn’t get as much as I wanted or if the supply dried up. This is why I fear for society the day the ‘free’ debit cards stop working.
Still here and checking in.
Have a great halloween.
Taking my step daughter to for her 18th birthday. It’s an R18 night tonight so they get to turn it up a notch or two!
Is this properly dead? I have been checking in periodically for ages now. No personal judgement if it is, I just want to know if I should keep holding out hope that this excellent work will continue.
Can’t really say either way right now. Creator did a reproduction and podlings tend to need lots of attention in the first year or three. That on top of a day job means not much time for much else unless you sacrifice a bit too much health.
You are bold to ask such a question here: people who apparently have more direct relationships with the author will make a point of passive-aggressively chiding you or make death-threats about asking random questions about a webcomic without having any public way of knowing about the author’s personal life details. You will also be asked to provide large sums of money for child-care.
Most likely, yes, the comic is dead; the author has a child now, or whatever strange name gets applied to a legitimate bundle of joy for reasons beyond my ken.
So providing that information is suddenly being “passive-aggressive” and “chiding”? They asked, I gave info. Not everyone knows just how much care a child demands in its first few years and not everyone lives in a country where they expect you to reproduce while giving you practically zero help (parental leave with pay, things like the England baby box, etc)..
im just curious about where people are finding this information as it took me months just to find out she was on haitus due to having a baby. and only because it was mentioned in the comments section after a month or so
A suggestion for the website. Have the author’s notes/comment be under the comic instead of under the comments section. Not everyone is smart enough/willing to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to see your insights.
Checking in, casting a vote, and so looking forward to the continuation of this great story.
But also, family is important! So I shall continue to wait in anticipation.
101 thoughts on “Elven 00190 | Queen Bee”
Sydney Dent
Ohhh…dial emergency services ….NOW
Do undertakers count as emergency services now?
Dinner Reservation Hotline (STR)
A certain kind of undertaker that offers “emergency legal trouble prevention services”, so yes.
call a ambulance! but not for me
Teach the kid to do the colouring, it’s never too early to start them paying for their existance
Someone is calling already, but i guess reinforcements, legal advise or Tylan’s Boss.
This could be a 3:1, a 1:1 and cavalry arrives to rescue Tylan or 6:1 in the End.
I guess the other bullies are smarter than Tylan and it ends with an 1:1, an ambulance and cavalry in some sort protecting Tylan not to be explused.
Had the 9-1- already punched in.
Myk Streja
The punk really does think he’s the BMOC, doesn’t he? He may have just brought the crew down his ass, but Tarin will likely tear him a new one all by herself. ” …a good reason to legally hurt you.” Yep, he’s toast.
Well, you have to nurture and protect the next generation in order for humans to keep flourishing. Keep up the good work, and we’ll be here for when you get time.
Now it’s time to get legally hurt and pay the piper or in this case pay her. Glad to see comic back up.
Alec Horne
Glad you’re back.
First, thanks for the page, MK. We know you have a lot of your plate.
Second, I think someone just made a very big and costly mistake. That someone is about to get legally hurt.
Glad you are coping! Take whatever time you need! Happy for a page!
ohhh Tylan-ol for pain!
Should we be worried about who the smart chick is calling on the phone?
so whats going on?
She is causing legal damage with use of a lawyer. That’s special.
Without…sigh, typos
Yaay ! Glad you are back!
Tiger Tomcat
DEAD MAN WALKING!!! Tylan is gonna find out why it’s a BAD IDEA to pull a knife on a rouge
Looks like a minor NPC thinks he’s the protagonist. He’ll probably live to regret that mistake. Probably.
JIm Gettman
Welcome back, Mate.
Welp, you done fucked up now, boy.
Oh no, that school’s even tougher than I thought!
I wonder if Tylan knows Tarin has been in a couple of dungeons and gained a few levels. I’m sure he thought this might result in some trouble that gets swept under the rug again… But I don’t think he quite grasps that Tarin is going to punish him in much more immediate ways.
The detail about him being owed money is interesting though. Tarin suspects Thieves guild involvement but thinks it must go beyond shakedown for lunch money. I wonder if Tylan is running more than an extortion racket but is actively providing service or contraband.
David G
Oh, man. That tie coming off? That crocodile smile? That blue wisp? Grab some popcorn, folks, it’s showtime!
Tarin isn’t a wizard, but she does know some Transmutation- please observe as she transmutes an idiot into a corpse.
Yay glad you’re back, MK. Woah, assault and battery with a deadly weapon, one can’t also toss in attempted murder. This is going to be good because looking at the last panel, she is raising her attributes and is going to assume her ‘aspect’.
CAN not ‘can’t’. Stupid autocorrect/suggest.
Legal, illegal, who cares ? She wasn’t looking for a reason, just an excuse
She’s not into legality anyway.
She’s very much into the *appearance* of propriety. Even from day one.
the ‘legally’ she speaks of, I think, is more in reference to ‘within the rules and regulations of the school’ more than the city/country laws. She can’t start a fight but if attacked, she can defend herself. I have a feeling she’s going to go with the loosest interpretation of ‘defend herself’ she can w/out actually ending his life. You, good sir, are about to learn a completely new definition to the word ‘pain’. In the words of Alucard… “You done goofed.”
Maybe…do we know if Kauthris can raise the dead and charge a hefty fee for it with a high interest payment plan ?
JIm Gettman
A problem with charging for RtD without prior contract is negotiating payment with the deceased’s most caring relations. Tylan does seem like a rich brat, but his parents are certain to be jerks.
That’s not a problem, if she doesn’t get paid she can always return the death, like a tattoo artist with a cheese grater for when the cheque bounces
TMI Fairy
And this is exactly why LE/NE is the evilest sort of Evul! there is.
Heheh, I think we’re going to see a whole new new level of “stand your ground” law.
Lost Dragon Prince
Someone is about to find out why Tarin is a Prefect, and they aren’t. It’s mostly the ability to go from zero to Full, EFing ON in an instant. It’s why fist fighting combat vets is a solidly HORRIBLE idea.
He choose, poorly
Welcome back! And yes, this is going to be VERY interesting.
Why do I suddenly hear doom music playing?
Finding time or energy to do anything is impossible with a sprog. I gained 30 pounds I can’t afford thanks to my two sprogs.
Glad to see you’re plugging away at the comic.
is anyone else hearing the theme song from the mortal Kombat movie, I swear I hear it playing?
Does the school have a respawn spot… I have a feeling someone is going to need it or a high level cleric to resurrect them.
Or, they can go the healing torture route. Heal them, beat them to 1 HP, heal them to max, beat them to 1 HP, if they try to kill themselves, heal them before HP runs out, if they try to run away, cut off the legs and heal the stumps. In a world of magic, torture is much more brutal and physically survivable if not mentally…wonder if there’s a healing spell or potion to help recover from PTSD?
Knifeboy is likely level 1 at best, or maybe just an NPC with1d4 HP
He probably doesn’t have any sort of proficiency with it so hopefully he didn’t sharpen it properly, that way it’s going to hurt less when he gets it jammed up his butt.
I just realized something. I wonder if Tyland’s only knows of Tarin as a school prefect and her Rouge Class is not well known. She seems to be running a separate operation than the Theives Guild and has intentionally kept herself separate to maximize profit. Of course their guild elevation should have been noticed, but if no one thought Tyland needed to know, it might not have filtered down to him. Especially true if he didn’t report his initial interaction so as to seem more competent than he both is and presumes that he is.
I think it’s more like Tyland couldn’t care less about anyone other than himself and didn’t bother to try to know Tarin’s ranking or abilities. Campus bullies look down on everyone, usually to their eventual detriment.
I wonder why she is so happy to get a reason to hurt him.
Is it:
A) She really dislikes the dude.
B) She just likes violence in general
C) She wants to get rid of competition
D) She actually likes the little punching bag and wants revenge for him.
E) All the above
@Khenan E) All of the above is my guess.
One of the above ?
some of the above ?
none of the above ? (maybe she gets xp from him ?)
Comic dead? no updates in quite awhile
MK has her hands kinda full.
JIm Gettman
This comic comes out VERY slowly. It is worth the wait. MK does not apologize for making you wait, but has told us before when it was going on Hiatus.
I have not experienced it myself, partly due to being the wrong gender, but I have heard that giving birth to a child and then caring for it leaves very little time for anything else.
Be patient, pages will come, but caring for the child comes first (as it should)
Is the comic on hiatus?
Ah, didn’t see the comic about having a child. I can see where that would delay things. I’ll wait.
where do you guys find this information ive been looking but havent found anything
Hey Mate, are you okay. It’s been awhile and we’re getting concerned for you. Hope you’re doing well.
Yep, just a time thing. There’s literally none between work and sprog.
There is no sprog, there is only Drool
“sprog” more important. Spend the time. You only go around once. We can wait
Wait, you have a new sprog?!?! Congrats I missed seeing that.
Why do I feel that he is about to become a long, brown, smear on the concrete..?
He IS such a piece of $#!t..!
4½ months since the previous update. Hopefully, that means another update soon.

We will be (more or less) patiently waiting.
So yay! We have a new LittleKiddleton. How cool is that? Hope you both are doing fine and recovering. It’s an exhausting time bringing up a Little one. Best wishes for you and we’ll be here for your return. If you can find the time, drop us line and let us know how you all are doing. Take care!
It takes 9 months to make a sprog and many comic creators say their comic is like a child to them so it is logical that a page would take 9 months too, right?
@Khenan, about 3 months to go then? Oh well, they say good things take time.
Are you ever, ever, EVER coming back?
JIm Gettman
Congrats on the new rug-ling! Hope all is well with you and family!
Still waiting I guess…
JIm Gettman
Is there a Patreon for this comic? How much would it take to fund another page?
It would literally take your going over there and taking care of sprog and related items for a duration of time for MK to make a page. It’s not about money, although that would be nice of you.
A new-born is a full-time job, more so if the child is born sick like my youngest was. All the bribes in the world won’t change that fact. I applaud the effort it takes and the priorities our dev has, don’t complain, just support and be understanding. If not, don’t let the door hit you. It’s over there ^.
$NZ5,000.00[1] Should get you across the line.
That’s what every page has been worth. Be grateful.
[1] Maternity nannies/nurses (day and night) are $25 to $30 per hour. So, the cost of a 9pm to 7am shift will be anywhere from $230 to $300. –
You are going to need, I’m guessing, about a weeks worth ( call it 24/7)
JIm Gettman
That seems reasonable. If we get approval from Mate Kiddleton and an appropriate funding site is set up, then I’ll start the kitty with NZ$1,333*. What other fans will join me? @MK – what do you think?
~US$1K to see what Prefect Tarin does to Tylan – worth it to me
JIm Gettman
Oops, bad math. I meant NZ$1667 (~US$1K).
I vote on TWC with every visit, even through hiatuses. Thank you for creating and sharing.
If we promise to be really good can we have a page for Christmas? Pleaseeeeeeeee
@Mate K. Happy October! I hope you’re enjoying Spring down there!
Is this comic basically over now?
Only if you are impatient
Impatient? I mean its nearing a year. I simply asked if the comic is dead. If it is dead I will stop checking for an update.
I would say the author’s real life comes before our desire for entertainment, no?
Well I mean good on you for being loyal and white knighting for this author.
I simply asked if a comic that has been stagnant for nearing a year is dead. Its a valid question. In truth I dont much care about the author;s personal life. I come here to read a web comic I enjoyed. I dont know one thing about the author.
Creator had a kid. During the first year or so, the kid and real life work are all you pretty much do, because newborns need that much attention. There, you know something about the creator. You also know why they haven’t been updating. Call it white knighting if you want, but unless you’re paying them to make the comic, their child and livelihood come miles before some comic they’re not charging you a dime for.
Dah Debil
People like you are the most contributing factor in why webcomics die. Ungrateful, demanding and rude. Kindly die in a fire. SLOWLY. YOU. ARE. OWED. NOTHING! You get what is given. Learn some basic manners and say “THANK YOU” for once in your miserable life!
I was raised to ‘take what I got and be glad I got it’, not to make demands of people who are giving me those things for free and throw a tantrum if I didn’t get as much as I wanted or if the supply dried up. This is why I fear for society the day the ‘free’ debit cards stop working.
Still here and checking in.
Have a great halloween.
Taking my step daughter to for her 18th birthday. It’s an R18 night tonight so they get to turn it up a notch or two!
Is this properly dead? I have been checking in periodically for ages now. No personal judgement if it is, I just want to know if I should keep holding out hope that this excellent work will continue.
Can’t really say either way right now. Creator did a reproduction and podlings tend to need lots of attention in the first year or three. That on top of a day job means not much time for much else unless you sacrifice a bit too much health.
You are bold to ask such a question here: people who apparently have more direct relationships with the author will make a point of passive-aggressively chiding you or make death-threats about asking random questions about a webcomic without having any public way of knowing about the author’s personal life details. You will also be asked to provide large sums of money for child-care.
Most likely, yes, the comic is dead; the author has a child now, or whatever strange name gets applied to a legitimate bundle of joy for reasons beyond my ken.
So providing that information is suddenly being “passive-aggressive” and “chiding”? They asked, I gave info. Not everyone knows just how much care a child demands in its first few years and not everyone lives in a country where they expect you to reproduce while giving you practically zero help (parental leave with pay, things like the England baby box, etc)..
im just curious about where people are finding this information as it took me months just to find out she was on haitus due to having a baby. and only because it was mentioned in the comments section after a month or so
A suggestion for the website. Have the author’s notes/comment be under the comic instead of under the comments section. Not everyone is smart enough/willing to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to see your insights.
One year. Still patiently waiting…
Checking in, casting a vote, and so looking forward to the continuation of this great story.
But also, family is important! So I shall continue to wait in anticipation.
Merry Christmas y’all
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!
Heehee, happy 100th comment
@Kheda, happy posting to you too! it’s now 101 comments! (I love palindromes.)