The elven longsword of stabbiness!
In mundane life she’s a mathematician, right?
Does she always wear cut/offs? (Not that I’m complaining, mind.)
Hmmm, yep, that’s a sword alright!
I have not DMd a game since the 1980s, but this looks like something one of my players would have drawn. While making vile faces. At me. Pointedly.
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5 thoughts on “Elven 00009 | Unidentified Longsword”
The elven longsword of stabbiness!
In mundane life she’s a mathematician, right?
Does she always wear cut/offs? (Not that I’m complaining, mind.)
Hmmm, yep, that’s a sword alright!
William B Peckham
I have not DMd a game since the 1980s, but this looks like something one of my players would have drawn. While making vile faces. At me. Pointedly.