Not even a little bit. He’s very clearly drawn male there – and if you try using the “but elves are androgynous” explanation, Dana will set you on fire.
I\’m thinking that if he\’s going to get a medal he needed a chest to pin it on
Or maybe he put a bonus point into Strength ? Looks like he beefed up all over, Dana\’s going to appreciate that.
Did he also get boobs? Is he turned into a woman?
Meh. The artist just made a mistake, I guess… But once you’ve read it, you’ll want to know… Mhuahahahahahahahahahahaha!
“Chaos guardian?” So he can instigate barfights without consequences now? I wonder what abilities/passives etc he gets now, at the very least his HP and stats should be higher now right? I soo want to see him taking a hit from that giant templar student and shrug it off like mosquito bite.
I\’m thinking Dana\’s going to be the one having an alignment challenge before long…as in which way does she align herself on the closest bed ?
Especially when she fails her save vs Cha again
It’s not that you’re guarding chaos, it’s that you’re guarding, and you use chaos to do it. So sometimes instead of stabbing the person breaking in, you wet willie them into submission instead.
Looks like he became a super saiyan. I’m also wondering if his new archetype for his class allow him to be more chaotic now and not get penalized by it.
I’m also interested to see how the girls react to seeing Cyprien in his Super Saiyan form. lol
It strikes me that Ysteena is thinking about all this as marketing for a new Party. I’m seeing parallels directly to boys & girls Bands. Since Ysteena wouldn’t have that much control over the others in the party, and they’re already girls, Cyp gets the sex change! I’ll leave it to others to decide which “spice girls” roles everyone matches up to.
I’m beginning to wonder just who or what Ysteena really is. Granted, this is an RPG-based universe, but I’m not well versed in the specifics of those. Is there such a thing as a Templar Mage?
There’s been a fair amount of gender bending talk here, and though I would be first to admit that something is different about the front of Cyprien’s hoodie, I have a theory. After taking a dive into the archives, I’ve noticed that the artist pretty consistently draws the eyes of the men and women differently. The eyelashes on the women are longer (mascara?) and even when the lashes aren’t visible, the eyeliner tends to end in a Cleopatra swoop out of the corner of the eyes. Another thing is the eyebrows. The men’s eyebrows don’t go the entire length of the eye, while the women’s eyebrows tend to be a bit longer or as long as the eye.
46 thoughts on “Elven 00156 | Return Of The Templar”
Oooh, archtype. Wonder what he’s trading out.
Probably has to be chaotic instead of lawful or he’ll lose his powers is my guess.
Well played good sir, well played
Ooh been waiting for this! I feel that the story is about to pick up a bit, hope Cy and co. Are prepared for more intense shenanigans!
HE HAS EYES!!!!!!! But did he see it coming?
Not enough upvotes in the world.
S.A. Sims
His hair went blonde after that. I’m not imagining things am I? Is it something to do with the archetype he unlocked?
There seem to be… other… changes as well. That shirt seems to… fit differently.
I think that’s just from posture. Also, I wish it was that easy to get a decent haircut.
well, he got his Charisma bonus back, that’s supposed to make you hotter as well
No, I think he got a bit of muscle as well. Not crazy amounts of muscle but enough to be noticeable
Are we looking at a gender swap perhaps?
Not even a little bit. He’s very clearly drawn male there – and if you try using the “but elves are androgynous” explanation, Dana will set you on fire.
Myk Streja
Wow! That struck a nerve.
I\’m thinking that if he\’s going to get a medal he needed a chest to pin it on
Or maybe he put a bonus point into Strength ? Looks like he beefed up all over, Dana\’s going to appreciate that.
He’s like a Super Saiyan. Except instead of being very very angry, he’s very very bad at dying…
Wow, talk about a bonus, get your class and bonuses back, along with a new job AND an face!
Cyprien, you’re a real boy now.
some strings attached….
Wait where’d his phone go? If he broke it and lost Ysteena’s message that could be very bad.
Wait, he has a face??
Azra Yilmaz
Did he also get boobs? Is he turned into a woman?
But once you’ve read it, you’ll want to know… Mhuahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Meh. The artist just made a mistake, I guess…
David G
I thought maybe it was just some killer pecs, but given that face, the hair change, and that interesting choice of words, you may be onto something.
Chaos is ever shifting, never one or the other. XD
Myk Streja
Hmm, seems that”s not a popular idea. I’m not used to seeing down votes.
There are no mistakes, only happy accidents.
“Chaos guardian?” So he can instigate barfights without consequences now? I wonder what abilities/passives etc he gets now, at the very least his HP and stats should be higher now right? I soo want to see him taking a hit from that giant templar student and shrug it off like mosquito bite.
Well, he would still go to jail, but he wouldn’t lose his class abilities when it happens now I imagine.
The deities of Chaos need their Paladins too
I\’m happy just being a footsoldier in the fight against predictability…
I\’m thinking Dana\’s going to be the one having an alignment challenge before long…as in which way does she align herself on the closest bed ?
Especially when she fails her save vs Cha again
Paladins are supposed to be immune to disease so she shouldn\’t have to worry about catching \’syphillis\’ again
Congrats! Your no longer a “Faceless Minion”!
Yep, this marks the point where we first see his face.
How do you guard Chaos btw? Chaos is the absence of control.
Hi Sam!
Luv U! I think its more of a “Guard Against the spread of Chaos.. Templars are aligned with Lawfulness!
It’s not that you’re guarding chaos, it’s that you’re guarding, and you use chaos to do it. So sometimes instead of stabbing the person breaking in, you wet willie them into submission instead.
Evil Tree
Cyprien saved Dana’s life, helped them all level up and now has a hot new makeover.
I wonder if Dana will remain single after this chapter.
That’s not him. It’s an impostor! Cyprien’s face is blurry.
Aging gamer
Is he going to go back to wearing that dorky helm all the time?
Also, I am also wondering about the possible gender switch.
Looks like he became a super saiyan. I’m also wondering if his new archetype for his class allow him to be more chaotic now and not get penalized by it.
I’m also interested to see how the girls react to seeing Cyprien in his Super Saiyan form. lol
Well, for one thing, you have a face…
The Wombat
And his eyes have turned green….. What does this mean? He only just got eyes!
It strikes me that Ysteena is thinking about all this as marketing for a new Party. I’m seeing parallels directly to boys & girls Bands. Since Ysteena wouldn’t have that much control over the others in the party, and they’re already girls, Cyp gets the sex change! I’ll leave it to others to decide which “spice girls” roles everyone matches up to.
David G
I’m beginning to wonder just who or what Ysteena really is. Granted, this is an RPG-based universe, but I’m not well versed in the specifics of those. Is there such a thing as a Templar Mage?
Myk Streja
There’s been a fair amount of gender bending talk here, and though I would be first to admit that something is different about the front of Cyprien’s hoodie, I have a theory. After taking a dive into the archives, I’ve noticed that the artist pretty consistently draws the eyes of the men and women differently. The eyelashes on the women are longer (mascara?) and even when the lashes aren’t visible, the eyeliner tends to end in a Cleopatra swoop out of the corner of the eyes. Another thing is the eyebrows. The men’s eyebrows don’t go the entire length of the eye, while the women’s eyebrows tend to be a bit longer or as long as the eye.
Or, I could be wrong. I can’t wait to find out.
Pleasant surprises enhance the whole day!
Oh he is HOT