Elven 00073 | Level 2 Squire

9 thoughts on “Elven 00073 | Level 2 Squire

  1. For a extra 10 gp you get weed eating and mulching as a bonus. Any combat with yard gnomes is extra cost.

  2. Cyprien knows Dana’s weak points.

    Gold, gold, gold, and gold. ^^

  3. Mana potions don’t pay for themselves.

  4. Oh man, this is comedy gold !!


  5. It’s the new charisma. She is unused to it.

  6. This is a good webcomic. I’ll be back.

  7. Huh, guess that charisma boost paid off.

  8. 5 gold?!

    I’m in the wrong business! *^^*

  9. Hey, +1 Charisma ISN’T totally useless…

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