“‘WE’? What’s this ‘We’ crap? I’m not auditioning to be her squire! If you want to grovel around for the rest of your life, Fanboy, that’s your business. Leave me out of it.”
I just noticed that ysteena could be pronounced “Yes Tina” which he’s going to be saying a lot since she likely knows the golden rule….
The person with the gold makes the rules.
Questing is excellent! As Ysteena probably said: “Now, Cyprien, I’m not saying that doing this quest for me will help you with your alignment issues, but it will give hundreds of people in lockdown a good laugh!”
10 thoughts on “Elven 00127 | Oathbreaker”
Thats somehow scary… Also, huh, he DOES have an actual face.
You do know what SIMP means, right?
“S.uckas I.dolizing M.ediocre P.ussy”
Ain’t nothing mediocre …
“‘WE’? What’s this ‘We’ crap? I’m not auditioning to be her squire! If you want to grovel around for the rest of your life, Fanboy, that’s your business. Leave me out of it.”
Lee M
I’m surprised he has any colour left in his face after wearing that helm for so long.
Winged Kitsune
In his case does simp mean simpleton? Cause I think it does.
He has no EYESSSSS! I don’t see how this can be?
David G
They atrophied from under-exposure to light from always wearing that helmet?
I just noticed that ysteena could be pronounced “Yes Tina” which he’s going to be saying a lot since she likely knows the golden rule….
The person with the gold makes the rules.
Questing is excellent! As Ysteena probably said: “Now, Cyprien, I’m not saying that doing this quest for me will help you with your alignment issues, but it will give hundreds of people in lockdown a good laugh!”
David G
Very interesting expression on Dana’s face in the second panel.